Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Will Hillary ever stop?

Now Hillary wants to spend another $20-$25 BILLION on 401k retirement plans for everyone.



Gunny Wade said...

With rhetoric like this, I can’t believe that this b#*ch still leads in the democratic polls. In fact, if you listen to her positions on issues she shouldn’t even be running on the democratic but rather on the socialist ticket because that’s what she is.
Does she think that she is Robin Hood? I was just wondering because she keeps promising to rob from the rich and give it to the poor. That’s called: ASSET RE-ALLOCATION. I could go on all day.
1. Most people already have a 401K.
2. How about fixing social security instead (it would be cheaper and fair).
3. How about creating tax incentives so that people could put more into retirement vehicles?
4. Hell, how about tax more incentives for people that DO put into an IRA or a 401K?
5. How about the government not reach into the pockets of those that work hard to make more only to give it to those who don’t?
Tell me again why she is first in the Dem. Polls?

Michael said...

Tell me again why she is first in the Dem. Polls?

Because she's liberal and she's pandering to every group she possibly can in the broadest way she can. Yea, that tends to be most politicians, but after living with Bill for so many years, she has it down to an art.

I'm tellin' ya...I can see it. I can see the sheeple voting for her. I can only hope that someone strong emerges from the field of Republicans.