Sunday, October 28, 2007

Please, take more of my money

"John Edwards says if he's elected president, he'll institute a New Deal-like suite of programs to fight poverty and stem growing wealth disparity. To do it, he said, he'll ask many Americans to make sacrifices, like paying higher taxes. "

I've never understood the "wealth disparity" argument. I mean, really, it seems to me that some people make more money because they've put forth the EFFORT required to get a better job to make more money. Why should they be punished because Joe Dumbass down the street doesn't want to do anything but take handouts or complain about his poor life?

1 comment:

Gunny Wade said...

I like those ideas and I think that people like Hillary and Edwards should set the example by being the first to step up to the plate and fork over some of their MILLIONS to some of their proposed programs.
Don’t worry. This guy has a snowball’s chance and people know it.
Oh, and by the way, I don’t really like the programs.