Monday, May 18, 2009

Is the glass half full or half empty?

Hmmm...I would love to have her OUT of my state, but on the Supreme Court?  Lol.  Damn.

Where do I want her the least?

Friday, May 15, 2009

It's been awhile

When I give technical presentations, I tell people I have multiple blogs; one on technical stuff, one on World of Warcraft and this one.  I joke that people didn't like it when all 3 blogs were combined because honestly, if you're coming to my primary (tech) blog, you probably don't want to hear me rant about the left-wing nuts of the world or hear about my latest quest in World of Warcraft.

My last post was a few days after the last Presidential election.  I've been pretty quiet about the goings-on of the current administration, but I don't think I can keep quiet any longer.  I've definitely got some thoughts I'd like to post.  Hopefully in the very near future I'll have some time to make that happen. :-)